Deliver critical app and security updates instantly with Peplink MediaFast

Deliver critical app and security updates instantly with Peplink MediaFast

Deliver critical app and security updates instantly with Peplink MediaFast


A couple of weeks ago we installed a Peplink MediaFast router at a customer for a trial.

It was a small business with 9 people. 9 computers – 7 of them were running Microsoft Windows and the remaining 2 were Mac.

Everyone had a smartphone and some also had a tablet. Up to 30 network devices were expected.

The Peplink MediaFast 200 was installed between the internet modem and their exiting Peplink Balance 305 router which was managing multiple VLAN for business, VoIP and guest WiFi network.




Here are the results after a week of usage. The customer is happy to let us share them.

Total Internet usage for the week was 1,01 GB + 5,68 GB = 6,69 GB.

1,01 GB was served from cache instead of having to download from the Internet.

That is 1,01 GB / 6,69 GB = 15,16% of bandwidth usage saved.

These cached contents were mostly Microsoft Windows app or security updates. When the first Windows PC requested these updates from Microsoft, the MediaFast router seamlessly cached them while they were downloaded. When the next Windows PC requested the same updates, the MediaFast router delivered them instantly from local cache instead of downloading them again from the Internet.

Peplink MediaFast ensured that all critical Windows app and security updates were instantly delivered for complete protection against latest threats.

It also freed up 15.16% of bandwidth for VoIP, video conference and other business uses.

The customer is impressed with the Peplink MediaFast router. A trial becomes a deployment.

Peplink MediaFast can solve your Internet problems too. Tell us how to reach you and we will come in touch with a solution.