
Your connectivity solution in Education

The current digital age has brought with it a lot of new concepts, as well as “eLearning”. It has been scientifically proven that the integration of eLearning in educational institutions has many advantages for the development of students. Nevertheless, many difficulties arise that make the implementation of eLearning hard, including the limited availability of Internet connections at high speed, a limited budget, unstable Internet connections that are very susceptible to interference and insufficient bandwidth and too poor a network to connect hundreds of students in a classroom or lecture room at the same time. But with their unique network solutions Peplink on each of these challenges.

A better connection for better education

With the networking products Peplink it will be possible to set up a fast, secure and reliable Internet connection that makes eLearning possible for every student. Because by making use of multiple cost-saving connections at the same time you experience a high-quality Internet connection while your connectivity costs remain low. You can add bandwidth at any time and use load-balancing for multiple Internet connections, and with the automatic failover system you create an unbreakable connection. In addition, the MediaFast technology is built into every router of the Peplink Balance series. With MediaFast you only have to download content once and then store it in your cache, giving you direct access to this content and allowing students to download it in a few seconds via MediaFast. And with the Pepwave Access Points, which can support more than fifty connections at the same time, you can create WiFi coverage across the entire campus. In this way you set up the ideal network environment for better education and keep full control in your own hands with InControl2, the Peplink service in the Cloud!